Events and content-type changes

The IContentTypeChangedEvent is fired whenever an object’s IContentTypeInterface is changed. This includes the cases when a content type interface is applied to an object that doesn’t have one, and when the content type interface is removed from an object.

Let’s start the demonstration by defining a subscriber for the event that simply prints out the information from the event object:

>>> def handler(event):
...     print("changed content type interface:")
...     print("  from:", event.oldContentType)
...     print("    to:", event.newContentType)

We’ll also define a simple content object:

>>> import zope.interface

>>> class IContent(zope.interface.Interface):
...     pass

>>> @zope.interface.implementer(IContent)
... class Content(object):
...     def __str__(self):
...         return "<MyContent>"

>>> obj = Content()

We’ll also need a couple of content type interfaces:

>>> from zope.mimetype import interfaces

>>> class ITextPlain(interfaces.IContentTypeEncoded):
...     """text/plain"""
>>> ITextPlain.setTaggedValue("mimeTypes", ["text/plain"])
>>> ITextPlain.setTaggedValue("extensions", [".txt"])
>>> zope.interface.directlyProvides(
...     ITextPlain, interfaces.IContentTypeInterface)

>>> class IOctetStream(interfaces.IContentType):
...     """application/octet-stream"""
>>> IOctetStream.setTaggedValue("mimeTypes", ["application/octet-stream"])
>>> IOctetStream.setTaggedValue("extensions", [".bin"])
>>> zope.interface.directlyProvides(
...     IOctetStream, interfaces.IContentTypeInterface)

Let’s register our subscriber:

>>> import zope.component
>>> import zope.component.interfaces
>>> zope.component.provideHandler(
...     handler,
...     (zope.component.interfaces.IObjectEvent,))

Changing the content type interface on an object is handled by the zope.mimetype.event.changeContentType() function. Let’s import that module and demonstrate that the expected event is fired appropriately:

>>> from zope.mimetype import event

Since the object currently has no content type interface, “removing” the interface does not affect the object and the event is not fired:

>>> event.changeContentType(obj, None)

Setting a content type interface on an object that doesn’t have one will cause the event to be fired, with the oldContentType attribute on the event set to None:

>>> event.changeContentType(obj, ITextPlain)
changed content type interface:
  from: None
    to: <InterfaceClass __builtin__.ITextPlain>

Calling the changeContentType() function again with the same “new” content type interface causes no change, so the event is not fired again:

>>> event.changeContentType(obj, ITextPlain)

Providing a new interface does cause the event to be fired again:

>>> event.changeContentType(obj, IOctetStream)
changed content type interface:
  from: <InterfaceClass __builtin__.ITextPlain>
    to: <InterfaceClass __builtin__.IOctetStream>

Similarly, removing the content type interface triggers the event as well:

>>> event.changeContentType(obj, None)
changed content type interface:
  from: <InterfaceClass __builtin__.IOctetStream>
    to: None